Selasa, 05 Maret 2019

Study: Insomnia Therapy Helps Maintain Mental Health


Mental Health - Insomnia therapy turns out to not only treat one's sleep difficulties. Studies say that insomnia therapy can also help maintain mental health.

During this time, insomnia is only considered as one of the symptoms of mental disorders. But in a study published in the journal The Lancet Psychiatry, clinical psychologist Daniel Freeman of the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute, Oxford University of England, said that insomnia therapy also helps the process of improving mental disorders and mental health problems that a person has.

Daniel examined the effects of insomnia therapy on people with depression and anxiety disorders. The results of the study mention insomnia therapy in depressed patients and anxiety disorders can improve their mental health conditions.

"This study aims to reverse the notion of insomnia as a symptom of mental disorders, and prove that by treating insomnia, a person's mental health will improve," Daniel said, quoted by Reuters.

The study was conducted on 3,755 students in the UK. They were asked to do cognitive based therapy (CBT) insomnia and Sleepio digital programs.

As a result, those who do CBT and Sleepio (online therapy for insomnia) have better sleep quality. Their mental health is also better, and is characterized by a frequency of depression, anxiety, and fewer nightmares.

This study directly proves that sleep health should not be underestimated. If you sleep well and enough, someone will be able to function normally while working and have a better mental health condition.

"Sleep well can make a huge difference to mental health. Helping others to sleep better is the first step to prevent the occurrence of psychological and psychological problems," he concluded.

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